IGN: De Sims 4 Beleef het Samen interview met SimGuruLyndsay

IGN heeft op Gamescom de tijd gekregen om SimGuruLyndsay te kunnen interviewen over het aanstaande uitbreidingspakket De Sims 4 Beleef het Samen. Helaas hebben ze alleen geen nieuwe gameplay beelden of andere informatie die we nog niet wisten laten zien en is het eigenlijk meer een bevestiging van alle feitjes die we tot nu toe al wisten.

De Sims 4 community Blog: Simmer in de schijnwerpers: Ian Roach

We vinden alle coole spullen die onze fans in De Sims 4 maken fantastisch en we willen de meest gestoorde creaties graag even uitlichten! In iedere ‘Simmer in de schijnwerpers’ staat een speler centraal die de meest geweldige dingen maakt in de game. Ook komen er tips voorbij waarmee je zelf aan de slag kunt.

Ian Roach is als eerste aan de beurt. Misschien heb je zijn creaties uit De Sims 4 al gezien. Ik heb hem een paar vragen gesteld over de grandioze onderdelen die hij heeft gebouwd.

Wat inspireerde jou om sets voor televisieprogramma’s te bouwen?

Het begon met De Sims 4 CES Demo. Zo gauw ik al mijn familieleden en vrienden na had gemaakt, was het tijd voor een nieuwe uitdaging. Daarom begon ik personages uit mijn favoriete televisieseries na te maken. Nadat de game eenmaal was uitgekozen, was het een logische volgende stap om hun omgevingen uit de televisieprogramma’s na te bouwen.

GamaSutra interviewt Ryan Vaughan

De laatste dagen stromen de artikelen, previews en interviews binnen en wederom weer een interview met Ryan Vaughan! Het artikel is geheel in het engels.

The Sims 4 is due for release this fall, and aims to build on top of the previous installments in the franchise in various meaningful ways.

Apart from the extensive Create a Sim and Build Mode additions, Maxis is looking to really put emotions and personality front and center, with each Sim receiving their own unique trait and emotion combinations, which can lead to specific actions and animations.

Gamasutra caught up with Ryan Vaughan, producer on The Sims 4, to find out what exactly this injection of emotion even means. Is it all marketing buzzwords, or has the team really hit upon the next generation of AI in video games?

Klik hier om het hele interview te lezen

The Sims 3 Midnight Hollow: The Vasquez Family

Did you spot these two Sims in The Sims 3 Midnight Hollow Trailer? Get to know them a bit more in this interview! Only The Sims 3 Midnight Hollow comes packed with exclusive Sims!

Marina Vasquez is spitfire of an woman. Her personal philosophy of “I’ve lived this long, so why not?!” how amassed her a small personal fortune, eclectic (rich tacky?) taste, and a slew of failed marriages, but that won’t slow her down. She’s fallen head over heels for Fausto and though he’s 25 years younger than her she just knows that he’s the one! And if he’s not? She’s lived this long! So why not?

Fausto Vasquez has always been known for his good looks and his charming personality and he rode on those traits for most of his life. Now as he sees his youth fading and realizes he has no real talent or experience to speak of he realizes he needs a new plan. He can love someone significantly older than him right? Or at least pretend to for awhile?

Producer Blog: Meet Lucien Hyde of Midnight Hollow

Who is Lucien Hyde and what is he doing in Midnight Hollow? Read Designer Alan Copeland’s interview and find out! See if you can spot him in The Sims 3 Midnight Hollow Trailer! To learn more about Midnight Hollow, click here!

Lucien is a tortured artist whose only torturer is himself.  He enjoys being sad and the better he is, the sadder he gets.  It’s his thing.

Good morning, Lucien!  Thanks for joining us today.
Hyde:  Aren’t we a little past the general presumption that just because it’s morning that life defaults to being “good”?  Today is the same quagmire of hopelessness and despair as yesterday or the day before that.
Ok, well then “hello” and again, thank you for joining us.
Hyde:  *Sigh* Whatever.
We understand that you’re an artist.  Tell us a little about that.
Hyde:  I don’t define myself as an “Artist”.  I am an observer of the darkness that surround us and reside within us.  I use a variety of media to shine a spotlight on that darkness for the world to see.
Um, OK.  But doesn’t a spotlight actually get rid of darkness?
Hyde:  You must think you’re SO clever.  Typical media.
Maybe we should change topics.  What brought you to Midnight Hollow?
Hyde:  I used to spend my days on the beach in Sunlit Tides but my girlfriend left me for a Masseuse.  Thanks for bringing up that painful and bitter part of my life.
I’m sorry to hear that.  Have you met anyone since moving into town?
Hyde: Kara Carter seems pretty interesting.  Or not.  She has a rather eclectic sense of style.  Makes you wonder what secrets she’s trying to cover up with all of that fashion.
Finally, tell us a little something people might not know about you.
Hyde: My mother says I have a delightful sense of humor.