De Sims 3 Consoles: handson op Gamespot

To jump from one location to the next or access the newly added features, the select button will bring up a menu of things to do. Karma powers and the challenge system have been placed here, where you can build up karma points to use special powers on yourself or on other sims. The challenge and reward system is similar to achievements, where you’ll have a list of 300 things you can complete throughout the game to earn points, which can then be used for shopping.

| Gamespot: The Sims 3 Hands-On |

Gamescom 2010: live stream Persconferentie EA

Om 16.00 uur begint in Keulen een persconferentie van EA die live te volgen is.

We weten niet of het ons lukt om de video beelden te embedden op onze site maar je kunt de persconferentie in ieder geval live bekijken op onderstaande link.

Watch the EA Gamescom 2010 Press Conference live stream here exclusively on Tuesday, August 17th at 4pm CET (7am PST). Happening live at The Palladium in Cologne, Germany, EA’s press conference kicks off Europe’s biggest video gaming expo. Be witness to all the new trailers, news announcements, and previews of EA’s latest games as they happen.

De persconferentie is afgelopen en de video stream is dan ook weggehaald.

| EA Persconferentie Live Stream |

Na deze persconferentie, in ieder geval om 17.00 uur, zal Xelles zijn exclusieve preview van De Sims Middeleeuwen online zetten dus ga snel wat eten en te drinken pakken en blijf gezellig hier op S3N de rest van de middag hangen!