Ryan Vaughan over De Sims 3 Jaargetijden

De Sims 3 Jaargetijden

Gamesradar heeft een interview online gezet met Ryan Vaughan associate producer. Het interview beslaat 9 (korte) pagina’s dus je zult even flink moeten klikken.

Bij het artikel zitten ook 4 nieuwe screens.

GR: What new activities are available?

RV: We think for spring as a time for new beginnings, and flowers aren’t the only things in bloom. This is a time young love is at its peak and Sims attending the spring festival can seek out an attractive companion at the kissing booth, meet up with a mate on the dance floor or even try their luck with online dating. In addition, during the spring festival, Sims will be able to get their faces painted with designs such as bunnies or hearts, or visit the concession stand for a taste of seasonal foods like grasshopper pie, fruit punch and adorable freezer bunny pops. There’s even an egg hunt for the kids and the young at heart!

Summer is a time to soak up the sun. Sims can visit the beach and for the first time ever on PC take a swim in the ocean! Not to mention, they can throw a pool party, skate around the roller rink or head to the park to kick around a soccer ball. For Sims looking to get out of the sun, they can head to the tanning booth to get a golden glow.

| Gamesradar: The Sims 3 Seasons interview and exclusive screens |

Bron: SimGuruGraham op Twitter

9 reacties

  1. Jaa het ziet eruit als zomer omdat ze zomerse zwemkleding dragen, In amerika vieren ze 4 Juli als onafhankelijkheidsdag. ook met vuurwerk en zo. Ik denk dat het hier wat mee te maken heeft.

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