Kleine De Sims Middeleeuwen preview op Green Man Gaming

Green Man Gaming heeft een korte preview online gezet van De Sims Middeleeuwen. Zoals we inmiddels wel gewend van de previews rondom De Sims Middeleeuwen staat er geen nieuwe informatie in. Maar voor degene die al het nieuws rondom het spel volgen is het weer leuk om te lezen.

We were then treated to a sword fight, courtesy of a nearby Black Knight. Combat unfolds much as it would in an MMO, the participants duking it out on auto while the player picks stances and special moves. The King came off worse from the encounter, and vanished in a puff of dispersing stamina, leaving the throne up for grabs. The most interesting new feature is religion. There are two faiths in The Sims: Medieval, loosely Christian in styling, one more liberal than the other. Believers can worship at chapels, will abstain from irreligious impulses (like drinking), and may pick quarrels with followers of the opposing creed, though such spats will never escalate to the point of armed conflict. We weren’t shown any of this in action, sadly – the King was an agnostic.

| Green Man Gaming: The Sims Medieval preview |

Door I_mJimmy

Hoihoi! Ik ben Jimmy, vind het leuk om te Simmen e.d. Ook houd ik van tekenen en grafisch ontwerpen.

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