EA UK: De Sims 3 hands-on nieuwe informatie

Er zijn 2 nieuwe post online gekomen van het De Sims 3 event op de engelse EA site, deze keer van DobbyDude en je vindt ze op deze pagina en deze pagina.

Something small caught my eye it looked out of place in the back ground and I quickly cancelled his walk to the park, he stopped walking and I hovered over the small dot of yellowy white on the background of green grasses, it came up with pick up so I did, then checked my inventory, I had picked up a grape seed….Cool COLLECTABLES, after that I started him back on his journey and kept a close eye out around him for more stuff to pick up on my journey….. I got all the way to the park before finding anything else, But a couple more yellowy dots were laying around here so I picked them up they were more seeds of different plants… Curious I wondered if anything could be done with the trees in the park, to my delight I found fruit trees which you can harvest for fruit which I did….

En schijnbaar is het niet zo makkelijk om je Sim dood te laten gaan door een brand in de keuken te veroorzaken …

I decided to get one of them to the death by fire stage, so in the Male sims confined space I added a cooker fridge and section of worktop, His first cooking attempt (unprompted he was starving) failed to result in a fire, but his second attempt was a success on the fire front and flames lapped all around… eventually burning the cooker fridge and worktop to cinders…leaving my guy…still alive….Failure again, frustrated I began toying with him, gave him a new cooker fridge and worktop, and got him cooking, then using the very useful grab hand (experimentation) I was able to pick up his finished creations and move them to Jay’s kitchen before my victim sim could grab a plate….Was funny watching as he looked bewildered then after the third attempt actually get frustrated and stop cooking. He did manage to make one meal and eat some while I was watching Jay and the baby… well I thought that wont keep him going….

EA UK: Sims 3 hands-on nieuwe informatie

Gisteren meldde ik al in dit blogbericht dat de Engelse EA site een Sims 3 event heeft georganiseerd waarin veel fansites Sims 3 konden spelen en vragen van spelers hebben beantwoord.

Inmiddels is er weer erg veel nieuwe informatie van die dag online gekomen en op deze pagina van SimPrograms vindt je alle nieuwe informatie mooi op een rijtje.

Hier slechts een paar voorbeelden:

  • Pregnancy lasts 3 days no matter what the life span. For the first day they don’t show at all. At the start of the second day, they will “realise” they’re pregnant, and change into maternity wear, but if you look at them they don’t really have much of a belly yet. The belly then expands gradually over the next 48 hours.
  • Is there more flexibility in the types of roofs? Can we adjust the angle of them?There is definately a lot more that we can do with roofs now. Both usual and diagonal roofs are available to you, aswell as round and hexagonal roofs for turrets and towers.

    Also there is a slider for roof angle which should be great since there won’t be any cheats involved now. One thing I also noticed is that roofs are automatically added to storeys that don’t have many floor-tiles above them. Atleast that way those of us who are prone to forgetting to place roofs on after building won’t end up with a house full of rain or snow if we get weather later on.

  • To learn to cook new recipes, your Sim has to buy recipe books from the book store. Each recipe book has a cooking skill level that will be required for your Sim to learn the new recipe from reading the book. Each recipe has set ingredients and if you don’t have those in your fridge you can just pay some amount from your funds rather than having to go to the store to fetch them. Like in Seasons from TS2, you can grow crops to use or sell.

EA UK: De Sims 3 hands-on – day 1

De Engelse Electronic Arts site heeft leden van hun forum de mogelijkheid gegeven om vragen over De Sims 3 te stellen en die zijn beantwoord.

Vandaag is De Sims 3 hands-on – day 1 online gezet: een flinke lap tekst maar met veel leuke informatie over De Sims 3.

In the open neighbourhood is it really possible to go up to houses whose occupants you don’t know and look in through their windows?

It is kind of possible. If the house is empty you can go right up to it but if it is occupied then anywhere within the lot grid you get the option to visit that family. You could maybe spy on them through a side window that is close to the edge of the lot.

How do the parties work? Are there any new parties to plan?

Parties seem easier to make a success than in The Sims 2. You can hold them at home or hire a public area to hold them in. I held one at home and one at the beach and both went well with limited input from the party host. You can also choose what time you wish the party to start and what the dress code should be.

At the times that I chose to throw these parties there were no additional options as to what kind of party they should be but they did not coincide with any milestones so this could be why.

How do you switch between families?

You can change the family that you are playing by using the Active Household button. In the information screens it does say that if you elect to change the playable family then your current ones will have their wishes and opportunities removed. Then those Sims will continue to age and live as normal while you are playing the new family

Ik denk dat er later meer online komt dus hou dit Sims 3 Nieuws blog in de gaten.

Nederlandstalige De Sims 3 preview op Gamespot

De nederlandse versie van Gamespot heeft een 3 pagina’s grote preview online gezet van De Sims 3.

Meestal vertalen zij de artikelen van hun Amerikaanse collega’s maar het is handig eens een preview te lezen in het Nederlands.

Een andere grote verandering is het nieuwe en verbeterde doelstellingsysteem. Je kan tot vijf van die ’traits’ voor je volwassen sim kiezen die zijn persoonlijkheid zal bepalen, hoe hij zal omgaan met andere sims, met welke andere buurtbewoners hij compatibel is en welke carrières er voor hem (of haar) openliggen.

Sims 3 iPhone sneak peak

Er zijn een video en wat screens opgedoken van een presentatie van Sims 3 voor op de iPhone.


In Sims 3 zal voor het eerst gebruik worden gemaakt van de nieuwe ‘in App Purchase system’: je kunt dan voor een klein bedrag items kopen. Ook kun je in de game je eigen muziek beluisteren: je Sim zal er zelfs op gaan dansen.

Meer informatie vindt je op deze pagina van Kotaku en deze pagina van Techradar.

De Sims 3 preview op Videogamer

Ook de engelstalige site Videogamer heeft een preview online gezet van De Sims 3.

On top of all this expanded creativity, The Sims 3 is also due to come with some fairly powerful video editing tools. As many of you know, The Sims 2 has become a popular choice for people making spoof films and the like, and this time around Maxis is looking to embrace such machinima right from the get-go. Details are fairly scarce at the moment, but we do know that the system will be designed for easy uploading to YouTube. This sounds like a pretty smart move to me.